Monday, December 2, 2024

WORK RELATIONSHIPS: Don't Push Them Down a Flight of Stairs! | Part 1


Have you ever worked with someone that made you angry by the things they did or said? 

Have you ever worked for bosses who had – what you thought to be – unreasonable requests for which you felt like smacking them? 

Have you ever considered giving your co-workers a “piece of your mind” because you were fed up with them not performing their duties as assigned? 

Have you ever felt as if you had had enough of the annoying behaviors in your workplace to the point where you felt like pushing bosses, co-workers, and staff down a flight of stairs?

If you answered “yes” to either of the questions above, you’ve learned that relationships in the workplace can be very trying to one’s patience, mind and nerves. 

As you may have realized, slapping bosses, telling off co-workers, or even pushing staff down a flight of stairs might make you feel better, 

But could potentially make existing problems worst! 

Not to mention, you could end up getting fired and possibly serving jail time – which would not be a good situation.

In the next few posts, I will provide you with three solutions that will help you to create stronger relationships in the workplace. 

The key is not to make you have “best friends” in your work environments. 

The key, however, is to help you find a connection that promotes work harmony and productivity.

What do you think of this wisdom?

How do you plan to use it for your career?

"Stay on the rise by finding joy in every moment!"

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